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Azure Authentication

  • Azure Login
az login -o none
  • Check available subscriptions
az account list --query '[].name' -o tsv
  • Set the default subscription to CSE-SE-DevOps
az account set -s CSE-SE-DevOps
  • Get Azure user UUID
az ad user list --filter "mail eq '$(az account show --query -o tsv)'" --query "[0].id" -o tsv
  • Optionally, find another user ID
az ad user list --filter "mail eq ''" --query "[].id" -o tsv
  • Verify Azure account is a member of the CSE-SE-DevOps-Contributors group
az ad group member check --group CSE-SE-DevOps-Contributors --member-id <userid>
  • If the Azure account is not a group member, run the following command as an administrator
az ad group member add --group CSE-SE-DevOps-Contributors --member-id <userid>
  • Optionally, list all the members of the group
az ad group member list --group CSE-SE-DevOps-Contributors