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  • Microsoft Azure publishes NVA deployment use cases.
  • Hub & Spoke Architecture At its core, the Hub & Spoke model is a paradigm for dataflow management. It necessitates the capacity to oversee, document, and scrutinize data traversing in all directions—be it north-to-south or east-to-west.
  • As the best practice when working with AKS is to separate each cluster into different VNets
  • Don't create more than one AKS cluster in the same subnet.
  • Try to follow best practices.

Changing PIP/UDR

Changing PIP/UDR


Marketplace SKUs

az vm image list --publisher fortinet --all

hub-nva-image                        = "fortiweb"
hub-nva-management-action            = "Allow"
#spoke-virtual-network_address_prefix = ""
#spoke-aks_dns_service_ip             = ""
#spoke-aks-node-image-gpu             = false
spoke-k8s-node-pool-gpu              = true
subscription_id = "6dced100-9c31-416f-aed1-67e8cfc9fe5f"


Name Version
terraform >=1.6
azurerm 4.3.0
external 2.3.4
git 0.1.0
http 3.4.5
local 2.5.2
null 3.2.3
random 3.6.3
tls 4.0.6


Name Description Type Default Required
hub-external-subnet-gateway Azure gateway IP address to the Internet string "" no
hub-external-subnet_name External Subnet Name. string "hub-external_subnet" no
hub-external-subnet_prefix External Subnet Prefix. string "" no
hub-internal-subnet_name Hub Subnet Name. string "hub-internal_subnet" no
hub-internal-subnet_prefix Hub Subnet Prefix. string "" no
hub-nva-gateway Hub NVA Gateway IP Address string "" no
hub-nva-image NVA image product string "fortigate" no
hub-nva-management-action Allow or Deny access to Management string "Deny" no
hub-nva-management-ip Hub NVA Management IP Address string "" no
hub-nva-vip Hub NVA Gateway Virtual IP Address string "" no
hub-virtual-network_address_prefix Hub Virtual Network Address prefix. string "" no
location Azure region for resource group. string "canadacentral" no
owner_email Email address for use with Owner tag. string "" no
spoke-aks-node-image Container server image product string "aks-node" no
spoke-aks-node-ip Spoke Container Server IP Address string "" no
spoke-aks-node-ollama-port Port for ollama string "11434" no
spoke-aks-node-ollama-webui-port Port for the ollama web ui string "8080" no
spoke-aks-subnet_name Spoke aks Subnet Name. string "spoke-aks-subnet" no
spoke-aks-subnet_prefix Spoke Pod Subnet Prefix. string "" no
spoke-aks_dns_service_ip Spoke k8s dns service ip string "" no
spoke-aks_pod_cidr Spoke k8s pod cidr. string "" no
spoke-aks_service_cidr Spoke k8s service cidr. string "" no
spoke-check-internet-up-ip Spoke Container Server Checks the Internet at this IP Address string "" no
spoke-k8s-node-pool-gpu Set to true to enable GPU workloads bool false no
spoke-k8s-node-pool-image k8s node pool image. bool false no
spoke-subnet_name Spoke Subnet Name. string "spoke_subnet" no
spoke-subnet_prefix Spoke Subnet Prefix. string "" no
spoke-virtual-network_address_prefix Spoke Virtual Network Address prefix. string "" no
subscription_id Azure subscription ID string n/a yes
## Outputs
Name Description
admin_password Password for admin account
admin_username Username for admin account
etc_host The public IP address of the hub NVA.
management_fqdn Management FQDN
resource_group_url URL to access the Azure Resource Group in the Azure Portal
vip_fqdn VIP FQDN